Kurune’s Appetizer Menu

Kurune’s Appetizer Menu

At Kurune, we offer a diverse range of appetizers to tantalize your taste buds. Our menu includes playful options such as 'Deep-fried Tofu with Foie Gras,' 'Chicken Chasiu & Shrimp Spring Roll,' 'Chopped Tuna Toro & Takwan with Nori Wrappers,' and 'Japanese Egg Custard with Sea Urchin.' In addition to these imaginative choices, we also feature classic items like Menchikatsu and Tempura for those who enjoy fried delights, as well as staples like Asari Sakamushi (steamed clams in sake), and Beef Tendon Stew. To satisfy various preferences, we proudly present a selection of homemade smoked dishes.

Indulge in the delightful variety that Kurune's appetizer menu has to offer.

Menu PDF


